Tuesday, January 10, 2017

GET THAT PAPER!!! - It's Never Too Late

Sorry to those of you who thought I was talking about getting or upping your disability rating.  Today I really want to focus on getting a certification or degree and which one may be better for you.

Coming from the military we have such a varied skill set and for many it's very hard to determine what civilian careers your skills will transfer too.  There is a great site "http://www.military.com/veteran-jobs/skills-translator/" that will help you do just that.  It will also help you to do your research to determine what degrees or certifications are also needed once you have translated your skills.

I currently work for an organization that administers the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (2014-WIOA).  Under this act we are given monies to assist individuals with becoming employed through training and retraining.  We also offer job search assistance.  Another program we offer is On-the-Job training.  Under this program we reimuburse an employer a portion of a participants salary.  This is done over a specified period of time that is determined by the employer and the agency administering the funds.  This is definitely a way to make someone more enticing to an employer.

And contrary to popular belief there are tons of jobs out there.  The problem is that there aren't enough people with the skills necessary to do these jobs.  In my area, and across the United States, there is a great shortage of mechanical engineers and mechanical maintenance techs.  This reaches across all manufacturers, from automotive to bakeries.  They are all having issues finding someone to repair and maintain their machines.

It's kind of ironic that I ended up in the field that I'm in because I am a great advocate of education, whether it be technical or degreed.  I actually started school some years back because I wanted a low-interest loan and a student loan was my best option.  Now abut 12-years later I have an Associates, a Bachelors, and a Masters degree.  Imagine my surprise when I found out I actually liked school.  And don't ever think it's to late.  Just know that I wasn't a spring chicken anymore when I went back. :-)

Even though I chose the more traditional route, please understand that there are some great, well-paying jobs that can be found by obtaining a technical certificate, or by entering into an apprenticeship program.  The great thing about apprenticeship programs is that you usually get paid while you work.  I'm mentioning them briefly here but I will give you more info on these tomorrow.  They are a great way to take your military training to another level, while still earning a great wage in the process.  Also, under WIOA veterans are given priority of service so I encourage you to take advantage of this no cost you program if you are having trouble finding employment.

As always, thank you for your support!!

TTYL - Be blessed!!

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