Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Well, there goes my vacation.  I was planning to take some time off until after the New Year but some people just won't let me rest!!!  This topic was weighing so heavy on my heart that I got the "can't help its" and had to post about it.

You see I belong to several veterans groups on Facebook.  These groups are designed to be a place where veterans can come and get information on claims, learn more about all things related to veterans, as well as a place to find comfort when they are down.  One group has over 300K members and another has over 8K.  While I know that we are all looking at things from our own worldview, at the end of the day, we are all veterans and we are all in need of some type of assistance.  I'm not naive enough to believe that everyone, simply because they are a veteran are going to like other veterans. What I am naive enough to believe is that because we are all veterans, that we would all at least respect one another.

I have been so disappointed by the racist, mean, and just downright ignorant comments that we are putting on someone else's post.  And this is not relegated to one ethnic group either.  I have seen it from all sides.  And the thing is, this is someone else's post and their opinion.  No where in the rulebook of internet etiquette does it give anyone the right to be mean to another person, especially on their own post.  Also, regardless of our political beliefs we are all still human beings and deserving of respect from one another.

I am asking that as we move forward into our new year that we all make a conscious effort to treat one another better.  If there is a post that we don't like then no one is making us comment on it.  Your opinion is not so valuable to the poster that they can't do without it.  Keep Scrolling!!  It's just that simple.  I, nor anyone else should ever have to preface their post by asking someone to not be negative.  It should be understood that because we all felt compelled to serve this great country that we live in that we have at least that one thing in common, and that we should respect one another.

So today, let's do as our parents taught us to do, "If you don't have anything nice to say,then don't say anything"!!

As always, thank you for your support and I wish you a Happy New Year!!

TTYL - Be blessed.

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